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About us and the Quinta dos Bruzios

Let's get acquainted, we are 2 passionate people in their forties who, after an active career as an independent, needed a "different life". vakantiehuisje verhuur
Our dream, always been, was to move abroad someday ...

Because of our job, I as a travel agent and my husband as an independent manager, we have traveled around half the world.

Because we wanted to stay within Europe, Portugal seemed the ideal place to start a new life.
Especially the beautiful nature, the friendly people and the delicious food appealed to us enormously.
After an intensive search of several months, together with our broker, we came across the "Quinta dos Bruzios"
It was love at first sight ! This would be our dream place ...
This old farmhouse or "Quinta" in Portuguese, situated on a beautiful domain of more than 8 hectares, was no longer inhabited since 1972 and was completely abandoned. The house was no more than a ruined stable and the land was overgrown with weeds and blackberries. With some help from a local cooperative of farmers and foresters, the domain was firmly tackled.
Everything was carefully demolished and rebuilt under the supervision of our architect Paulo Barbosa.

With an extraordinary eye for detail and respect for the preservation of the many authentic elements, our contractor conjured Mr. Cunha this Quinta in just 8 months to what it is today: a beautiful contemporary villa, equipped with every luxury. In contrast to the traditional Portuguese architecture with small spaces and a scarcity of light, we opted for large spaces with panoramic windows.

The views from the villa and from the domain are simply breathtaking. Almost from every room you have a view of the highest mountain range in Portugal, the "Serra de Estrella". So much natural beauty brings a person to rest!

By the way, whether you are a nature lover, hiker, jogger, rider, cyclist or mountain biker, everyone will enjoy themselves when staying at the "Quinta dos Bruzios". For culture lovers, it is also an ideal starting point. But of course you can also just laze by the pool ...

Portugal also has a lot to offer in the culinary field. According to many wine connoisseurs, Portuguese wines are among the best in the world! An additional advantage is that they are especially affordable. This in combination with one of their many delicious dishes ... would you prefer less mouth watering?

So hopefully we have been able to convince you with these praising words to visit Portugal and in particular our Quinta. We guarantee you an unforgettable holiday and hope to welcome you very soon! Logeren bij Belgen

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