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Welcome to the web page of Visionaries of Oneness. Through healing videos, books, healing meditations and healing consultations, shares Divine wisdom to guide everyone that chooses to experience life in Oneness.

Anyone can experience any dream in a magical, synchronized and in a perfect way, it is a choice. The creative power is within the self, once it realizes its true identity and wakes up from the virtual reality of separation, where there is no limitations.

Lead open minds to experience existence with unlimited possibilities in Oneness to enjoy Divine Abundance: pleasing experiences, tranquility, joy, health, wealth, wisdom and a fulfilling life.

In Oneness
The self chooses to experience creation at will as one with Divinity, it is the state of love.

In Separation
The self chooses to experience creation at will in self-intelligence, it is the state of fear.

The vision of Visionaries of Oneness starts with the individual relationship with Divinity in the state of Oneness, to continue expanding throughout the globe with those that have the vision to guide others in their communities to receive the wisdom of Divinity and to enjoy a fulfilling life by learning the power that is in each of us to create new realities.

In my quest to get to this point, I went through significant changes that attracted the vision of Visionaries of Oneness. Some time ago I realized that the way we commonly live life did not make any sense to me, not knowing who I was, not understanding my emptiness or my existence and why as humans we behave and treat each other in the way we do.

I paused my life to find answers and what ended up happening was that I found myself, I understood my existence, I realized my identity, I received Divine guidance to be taught, to start a relationship with Divinity and finally I found my home, called the state of Oneness.

Today the vision of Visionaries of Oneness is opening the doors to everyone to find themselves, to enjoy all the Divine beauty in their lives. I would like to present to you the other person that have joined me in this venture, my wife, who I attracted in my process of living new realities, fulfilling my present existence. Her name is Maria Cristina Mantilla and she will let you know her story.

The age of 33 marked a before and after in my life. The previous events in my life made me decide to start learning by consciousness and no longer by pain. That is how my search began and my deep curiosity led me to a journey where I found myself and the answers I was looking for.

During this journey I met Benjamin in a magic encounter. He started to share his Divine wisdom with me, guiding me to find myself and the answers I was looking for. Also, I discovered in his book a very practical and transformational technique to know and change my vibration. It was then when I started to growth in my relationship with Divinity. When I discovered the powerful way of life in Oneness, my life began to change in a magic way.

When I found myself I understood my soul vision, knowing what really fulfill me. Now, united by love and our soul vision, Benjamin and me are ready to share with others what have changed our lives.

Energy healing session near me
Reiki healing session
Online spiritual healing
Energy healing sessions near me
Spirit energy healing consultations

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