English to ipa translator

 Phonetic Transcription

If you are looking for an IPA translator, IPA phonetic converter, or IPA phonetic transcriber, you've come to the right place! Our online phonetic transcription app will convert text to IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols with the click of a button to create instant, accurate, professional-looking phonetic transcriptions. Our IPA converter can transcribe English to IPA, German to IPA, French to IPA, Spanish to IPA, Italian to IPA, and Latin to IPA. When you use our phonetic transcription app, hours spent transcribing art songs, arias, and choral music texts into phonetic symbols becomes a thing of the past, allowing you to focus on the more important aspects of lyric diction. Simply type or paste in a text, click a button, and our IPA converter produces a phonetic transcription underneath each line of text that can then be copied and pasted just about anywhere…a word processor, a website, a slide presentation, you name it!

Our IPA Transcriber
IPANow! Online by PhoneticSoft is a one-of-a-kind web application that transcribes English, Latin, Italian, German, Spanish and French texts into International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols by applying rules utilized by scholarly lyric diction textbooks.

Simply type or paste in a text, click a button, and IPANow! produces an IPA transcription underneath each line of text that can then be copied and pasted just about anywhere…a word processor, a website, a slide presentation, you name it! Take a look at some IPA transcription samples created with IPANow! or watch a video demo to get a better idea of how it works.

IPANow! was created to be a lyric diction resource for choral conductors, teachers of voice, professional vocalists, church musicians and music educators and students. Linguists and speech pathologists may also find IPANow! helpful with the understanding that certain, subtle differences exist between spoken and lyric diction. We believe you will find IPANow! an invaluable resource.

Legacy Products

IPANow! for Windows Desktop
Despite the fresh, clean look of this new website, we've actually been in business for over 11 years. The first software product to bear the IPANow! name was launched in early 2008. It was a Windows distributed application that had most of the same core logic behind it that IPANow! Online has. Even though we decided to retire that product in March 2019, we're still happy to support it if you're still using it and have any questions. And if you're a Windows user who'd like to try out the free trial version of that software, you can still download it here. So far it seems to run fine on every version of Windows since XP, but we're not making any promises!

IPANow apps for iOSIPANow! Mobile Apps
In response to users' desire to have the IPA transcription functionality on the go, in 2012 we developed and launched four mobile apps for iOS; one for each of the four

Convert to ipa
English to ipa translator
Ipa translator
German ipa translator
Text to ipa

For More Info: https://ipanow.com/


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