October Planting


The second month of spring is already here! Wow! The year now just seems to be flying past.

There is lots to do in the garden this month, so best get started!

Firstly, when you step out into your garden, you need to begin to use all your senses, smell, touch, sight, hearing and taste. These are all very important in making sure that you know exactly what your garden needs.

During the warmer months you need to keep an eye out for pests, so check the plants for pests, this can include holes or the plant yellowing/dying. You then want to be touching and smelling the soil, to check is moisture and to keep tabs on water, especially with everything starting to heat up. Listen out for birds and other insects using and living in your garden. Lastly, but certainly, not least taste everything in your garden, enjoy picking and eating straight away. It makes gardening all that more enjoyable.

Tasks to do in the garden:


This is nearly all year long, but just like your plants that you actually want to grow in the garden take off during Spring, so do weeds, they get a taste of sunlight and warmer days and bam, they just jump up everywhere. So it is best to keep on top of weeding so that your plants have plenty of room and nutrients in the soil to continue to grow. Lots of the Spring/Summer crops are extremely hungry, so you do not want to be giving vital soil to weeds instead.

Removing Seeds

By now most of your winter crops should have gone to seed and should be ready to be taken out and dried. This is a great way to get your seeds up for the following year and not having to purchase every single season.


It is also a great time to add more mulch to your garden. This helps keep the soil moist as well as give your plants more nutrients.

What to plant:

This is a tough one as it totally depends on your location. Therefore my go to spot for what to plant is Gardening Australia. They have amazing resources and the website will be able to help you to find what to plant depending on your region.

Also there are a lot of seed libraries popping up everywhere which is amazing! Check with your local library to see if they have one operating.

Happy gardening, and would love to see your photos of your garden on socials – tag @resourcefulliving.

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