led lights australia


Highly Versatile Sydney LED Lighting Solutions

LED lighting is the way of the future! It’s the most practical, versatile, economical and Eco-friendly way to light your indoor and outdoor spaces.

Why keep using out-dated, energy-sapping forms of lighting? Instead, invest in a long-term lighting solution that will help save the environment and save you loads of money.LED lighting is also recognised as the most versatile way to use lights for decoration and illumination.

How LED Technology Adds Value

Many people overlook the cost-saving benefits of LED lighting because they think the initial outlay for installation is too high. But did you know that LED lamps and lights use 90% less power than incandescent bulbs, and half as much power as compact fluorescent light bulbs? LED lamps and lights will pay for themselves over and over in the long run.

Because LED lighting is so energy-efficient, these little lights last for an incredibly long time. You can use one LED light for up to 50,000 hours, and because they’re so durable, they hardly ever need to be replaced.

LED lighting is also safe because the bulbs don’t contain toxic mercury, they’re nearly unbreakable because of their plastic housing, and they don’t emit skin-scalding heat or UV rays – all the while giving as much light as any other bulb.

Installing LED lighting in your home or business will instantly increase its value, because green living environments are becoming more desirable every day. LED lighting can also be combined with solar technology for the ultimate Eco-friendly solution.

Common Types of LED Lighting

LED bulbs – these bulbs look a lot like normal incandescent bulbs, and they come in 6W and 8W varieties that consume ten times less power than incandescent bulbs, while producing as much light.

LED ceiling oysters – these are large, typically round ceiling light fixtures that are used indoors.

LED corn lights – these versatile lights are oblong, with rows of small LED bulbs along their sides, making them look like corn on the cob. They can be used indoors or outdoors, and are available from 6W to 22W versions.

LED dome lights – these dome-shaped lights are small and battery-operated, and are often used in cars.

LED fluorescent lights – these are long tubes that contain rows of LEDs. LED lighting is perfect for offices, retail stores and restaurants.

LED flood lights – these are box-shaped lights that are bright enough to light up a stadium, but with a fraction of the energy used by normal stadium lights.

LED strips – these are long, nifty strips of plastic containing LEDs in a row. They can be either flexible or rigid, and produce low-profile light in various colors.

LED fairy lights – these are a series of tiny lights, in different colors, set along a flexible wire. They’re often used to decorate Christmas trees.

LED down lights – these are round lights that shine down from holes in a ceiling. They can be pointed in different directions, and are excellent space savers.

LED lighting has come a long way, and new uses for them are being thought of every day. Choose LED lighting in Sydney for your next project.

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For More Info: https://ledenvirosave.com.au/


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